Zanu PF youth league member in bribery storm

Mambondiani allegedly tried to bribe secretary for youth affairs Tinotenda Machakaire and his deputy John Paradza during a national youth executive meeting held on May 9 in Harare.
By Staff Reporter May. 18, 2024

Power struggle shakes Zanu PF youth league

Paradza was elected as the deputy secretary for youth affairs at the Zanu PF congress last year.
By Staff Reporter Feb. 19, 2023

Outrage as ministers splurge US$23k at album launch

Ncube and Machakaire emerged as the highest bidders after parting with US$8 500 and US$13 000, respectively for Ndebele’s new album.
By Miriam Mangwaya and Tafadzwa Kachiko Nov. 15, 2022