Sadc Industrialisation week: A chance to thrive

Their goal is to identify investment opportunities, address industrialisation bottlenecks, and jointly recommend solutions.
Mnangagwa must walk the talk
Mnangagwa must walk the talk
Mandela handed over leadership of the African National Congress (ANC) to Mbeki, having only served a single five year term as President.
By Zimind Jul. 5, 2024
Zim must do more to attract investment
Stable and transparent policies are essential as investors seek stability. They need assurance that policies will not change unpredictably.
By The Zimbabwe Independent Jun. 28, 2024
Zacc must cast net wider in graft probe
The Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition is right. Corruption has reached a crisis point and good people can no longer remain silent.
By The Zimbabwe Independent Jun. 21, 2024
The continued limited use of ZiG does not bode well
The ZiG, was supposed to stabilise the economy as well as bring ease to the transacting public.
By The Zimbabwe Independent Jun. 14, 2024
Govt must listen to industry’s concerns
Fiscal policies need to strike a delicate balance, according to the Association of Chinese New Energy Miners.
By The Zimbabwe Independent May. 31, 2024
Stanchart Zim workers deserve honesty, respect
We understand the bank's decision to leave, but we expect a more considerate approach when it comes to the welfare of its employees.
By The Zimbabwe Independent May. 24, 2024
We must brace for forex shortages
This year, the country expects to produce 265 million kg of tobacco, from a record harvest of 296 million last year.
By The Zimbabwe Independent May. 17, 2024
Policy inconsistency threatens ZiG
The situation will not get better because it seems the legislation applies selectively
By The Zimbabwe Independent May. 10, 2024
Let’s learn to feed the goose that lays eggs
Veritas explained that to reach the necessary GNI numbers, major growth in the main economic sectors would have to take place — some having to double in size.
By The Zimbabwe Independent May. 3, 2024
ZITF turns into annual ritual than a trade fair
The visionary masterplan is a long-term plan that will develop the ZITF grounds by introducing modern world-class amenities to the City of Bulawayo.
By The Zimbabwe Independent Apr. 26, 2024
So, we were lied to?.
The reason we are talking about the truth today is that, in Zimbabwe, certain government officials and institutions have a history of lying to the public and seem to enjoy it.
By The Zimbabwe Independent Apr. 19, 2024
Let us make ZiG work
As Zimbabweans, we all want to have a functional currency, but in order for that to happen, the government needs to carefully consider its policy options.
By The Zimbabwe Independent Apr. 12, 2024
Over to you Mr Governor!
Mushayavanhu, a veteran banker with over 30 years’ experience, assumes governorship at a time the banking sector is facing a plethora of challenges, chief among them a confidence deficit.
By The Zimbabwe Independent Apr. 5, 2024
We have had enough suffering
Listed businesses, such as Innscor Africa and National Foods Holdings claim that these changes have led to a great deal of uncertainty in the way taxes are handled throughout the economy. 
By The Zimbabwe Independent Mar. 28, 2024
Let’s answer this wake-up call
This week, platinum giant Zimplats initiated a voluntary layoff exercise for all employees to keep the company afloat in the low-price metal market.
By The Zimbabwe Independent Mar. 22, 2024
Let’s be practical on tobacco beneficiation
Studies show that Zimbabwe produces around 6% of the world's tobacco output. As of 2023, the value of tobacco products sold around the world amounted to US$850 billion.
By The Zimbabwe Independent Mar. 15, 2024
Food crisis requires prompt action
High spending authorities must begin serious cutbacks to a range of luxuries, including expensive globe-trotting adventures and spending on fast cars.
By The Zimbabwe Independent Mar. 8, 2024
Why a debt deal is vital
Zimbabwe cannot tap into this and other similar funding windows because lenders know that repayments would be difficult to get.
By The Zimbabwe Independent Mar. 1, 2024
Markets can save economy but only if the govt allows
Basically, Milei argued that when a government gets in the way of an economy having a “market discovery”, its companies produce less.
By The Zimbabwe Independent Feb. 23, 2024
Zim must listen to IMF concerns
It has always been, but there has been no political will to address the concerns that it has raised.
By The Zimbabwe Independent Feb. 16, 2024
We are now under black market ‘rule’
There seems to be a deterioration of this problem, while law enforcement agencies and the entire government bury their head in the sand as if nothing serious is taking place.
By Theindependent1 Feb. 9, 2024
This madness must end
This must be the last time such kindergarten blunders are made.
By The Zimbabwe Independent Jan. 12, 2024
Miners dealing with a real crisis
Lithium royalties increased by more than 100%.
By The Zimbabwe Independent Jan. 5, 2024
Zim must take no pride in GDP growth under excruciating pain
But each time living standards have plummeted in the midst of overdrives of propaganda, officials have not been held to account.
By The Zimbabwe Independent Dec. 21, 2023
Blackouts: Another rough ride on the way
Unless serious work begins to address the power crisis, even ambitious targets set under Vision 2030 are in grave danger.
By Theindependent1 Dec. 15, 2023
Zim at crossroads as debt balloons
On the other hand, he must seriously pursue ongoing debt restructuring efforts.
By The Zimbabwe Independent Dec. 8, 2023
2024 National Budget anti-poor
The controversial tax has been widely condemned as an extra burden on industry, and citizens already struggling to make ends meet.
By The Zimbabwe Independent Dec. 1, 2023