Zim migration story needs revisit

The future of Bitcoin trading in Syria is uncertain. The country is in the midst of a civil war, and the government has been accused of human rights abuses. However, there is a growing number of businesses and individuals who are beginning to accept Bitcoin as payment. You can increase your bitcoin profits by regularly […]
Portfolio investors preferring Zimbabwe as a destination will have to make much more than those in the region to enjoy the same return from their investment. The higher cost is a deterrent to portfolio investment, which has generally been declining over the past seven years. Foreign investors have been seeking to exit Zimbabwe (ZSE) more than they have been willing to enter.
The current GMB purchase price of about ZWL$58k per tonne, which is anything from $111 to $180 depending on the rate used, falls far below the international price and is not conducive for farmers to continue farming.
As for the cabin’s design, it again mirrors some upmarket influences in its styling and detailing. There’s some Mercedes in the front door cards, and a fair bit of BMW and Audi in the dashboard. But, yet again, it doesn’t look like a mash-up as much as it looks like it borrowed from the best in the business, before integrating it all into a homogeneous whole.
These earthly followers see themselves as the executive arm of their god’s powers, which mysteriously only function through human agency. (Waiting for direct divine punishment of the critics is only for sissies.) The faithful followers claim uncontrollable outrage and attack the attackers. As, for example, in India now.
Last year, the government of Zimbabwe passed the Data Protection Act to support cybersecurity and fight cybercrime. The act was designed to provide better data protection, which in turn, will gain the confidence of the internet users to use ICT for handling their days. The original act went through many revisions ensuring that it can […]
COVID-19 has impacted almost all the sectors including the business sectors. The businesses running in Zimbabwe were affected differently by this global pandemic. Few businesses were forced to shut down owing to the virus and the restrictions which were imposed to stop the spread of the viruses, while the other businesses used the global pandemic […]
This week senior business reporter Melody Chikono (MC) spoke to Mautsa (RM) who says although he now sits on a number of boards for leading organisations across Africa, there still is a huge gap within the entrepreneurship ecosystem of Zimbabwe.
Zimbabwe, currently battling to shake off Western-imposed sanctions, held general elections in 2018, which were contested and marked with extreme violence. Soldiers opened fire on protesters in the aftermath of the general elections, killing at least six people and injuring scores others.
The continent’s TMT industry is a market that represents 14% of the world’s population but it is currently served by only 23 undersea cables, or 4,4%, of the world’s 514 subsea cables
The future of Bitcoin trading in Syria is uncertain. The country is in the midst of a civil war, and the government has been accused of human rights abuses. However, there is a growing number of businesses and individuals who are beginning to accept Bitcoin as payment. You can increase your bitcoin profits by regularly […]
Portfolio investors preferring Zimbabwe as a destination will have to make much more than those in the region to enjoy the same return from their investment. The higher cost is a deterrent to portfolio investment, which has generally been declining over the past seven years. Foreign investors have been seeking to exit Zimbabwe (ZSE) more than they have been willing to enter.
The current GMB purchase price of about ZWL$58k per tonne, which is anything from $111 to $180 depending on the rate used, falls far below the international price and is not conducive for farmers to continue farming.
As for the cabin’s design, it again mirrors some upmarket influences in its styling and detailing. There’s some Mercedes in the front door cards, and a fair bit of BMW and Audi in the dashboard. But, yet again, it doesn’t look like a mash-up as much as it looks like it borrowed from the best in the business, before integrating it all into a homogeneous whole.
These earthly followers see themselves as the executive arm of their god’s powers, which mysteriously only function through human agency. (Waiting for direct divine punishment of the critics is only for sissies.) The faithful followers claim uncontrollable outrage and attack the attackers. As, for example, in India now.
Last year, the government of Zimbabwe passed the Data Protection Act to support cybersecurity and fight cybercrime. The act was designed to provide better data protection, which in turn, will gain the confidence of the internet users to use ICT for handling their days. The original act went through many revisions ensuring that it can […]
COVID-19 has impacted almost all the sectors including the business sectors. The businesses running in Zimbabwe were affected differently by this global pandemic. Few businesses were forced to shut down owing to the virus and the restrictions which were imposed to stop the spread of the viruses, while the other businesses used the global pandemic […]
This week senior business reporter Melody Chikono (MC) spoke to Mautsa (RM) who says although he now sits on a number of boards for leading organisations across Africa, there still is a huge gap within the entrepreneurship ecosystem of Zimbabwe.
Zimbabwe, currently battling to shake off Western-imposed sanctions, held general elections in 2018, which were contested and marked with extreme violence. Soldiers opened fire on protesters in the aftermath of the general elections, killing at least six people and injuring scores others.