Letter to my people: Of Mnangagwa’s empty Sona and ZiG delusions

 Given how the funny money has depreciated so rapidly, it is hard to believe that it is backed by anything, but hot air.
By Doctor Stop It Oct. 6, 2024

The State of the Nation Address: Insights and recommendations

Despite the challenges posed by illegal economic sanctions, the President highlighted some encouraging signs.
By Raymond Tendai Rusinga Oct. 4, 2024

Miners ring alarm bells

The mining sector is Zimbabwe’s biggest foreign currency earner. The capital-intensive sector has been scrounging for capital to up production.
By Tatira Zwinoira Oct. 11, 2023

Ministers lying to ED: Economist

Mugano, who was booted out of the Zimtrade board last week, said the figures presented by Mnangagwa were contrary to the reality on the ground.
By Lorraine Muromo Oct. 9, 2023

Niger president held by guards, prompting regional fears of attempted coup

The national army was ready to attack the guards if they did not come to their senses, the presidency said in a statement.
By Reuters Jul. 26, 2023

Zim headed for disputed poll: Ex-Speaker

In a statement ahead of the August 23 general elections, Moyo said the country was headed for yet another disputed poll given that there had been no electoral reforms since the last election in 2018.
By Silas Nkala Jun. 7, 2023

Investors flood Zim’s ‘underinvested’ hotspots

The National Tourism Recovery and Growth Strategy is anchored on Zimbabwe’s vision to be a prime international tourist destination.
By Freeman Makopa Apr. 28, 2023

Pasuwa tipped to take over Flames of Malawi

According to media reports in that country, the Football Association of Malawi (Fam)’s technical committee has recommended Pasuwa for the job.
By Terry Madyauta and Theindependent1 Apr. 4, 2023

Stir The Pot: Zim’s farcical aping of the Chinese

It is a law intended to curtail opposition leaders and activists from fraternising with diplomats.
By Paidamoyo Muzulu Nov. 26, 2022