Syria: Who is to blame?

You can blame the European colonial powers for the last major redrawing of the borders in the region in 1918-20
By Gwynne Dyer 9h ago

Assad fall a warning to dictators

 The man who ruled Syria with an iron fist was forced to flee to Russia, leaving behind a country his family had ruled for nearly half a century.
By Newsday Dec. 10, 2024

How 2023 has been the ‘year of the brink’ and 2024 could be worse

The first decision of major concern in 2024 may come from Israel’s most right-wing government yet.
By Nick Paton Walsh Dec. 31, 2023

Will humanity have the capacity to predict earthquakes?

Japan cope with numerous powerful quakes that would have caused massive death toll and destruction on property.
By Tapiwa Gomo Feb. 13, 2023

Tigray, Ethiopia and other African wars

His thesis would be more convincing if most Yemenis and Afghans and almost all Syrians were not white.
By Gwynne Dyer Oct. 21, 2022