Tanganda drops Ernst & Young as auditors
Shareholders were then asked to appoint Ernst & Young as the auditors of the company for the ensuing financial year.
By Tatira Zwinoira
Aug. 16, 2024
The curse of corporate governance
Shareholders, as the company's owners, wield their influence over its management through both annual general meetings and extraordinary meetings.
By Memory Nguwi
Nov. 24, 2023
Business Opinion: Competition for entrepreneurial business
They have managed to be efficient in resolving queries, producing quality products/services and predicting future demand with precision.
By Farai Chigora
Aug. 6, 2023
Understanding Econet’s planned rights offer
In the first quarter of 2017, Econet raised US$130 million through a rights offer worth US$67,3 million and an issue of debentures with a nominal value of US$62,7 million.
By Tafara Mtutu
Apr. 28, 2023
Caledonia seeks to raise US$13m
In addition to the UK and South Africa placing, Inter Horizon Securities undertook, on behalf of Caledonia, a placing in Zimbabwe to raise approximately US$3 million.
By Mthandazo Nyoni
Apr. 2, 2023
Editorial independence is sacrosanct at AMH
we are confident that all AMH Shareholders are focused on preserving the high standards of Press freedom and thought without any fear or hindrance whatsoever
By The Standard
Oct. 7, 2022

Chefs besiege foreign investor’s goldfields...‘Zanu PF elites loot gold from SA, US firm’s mining concessions’
Local News
Feb. 28, 2025