Metbank a property firm with a banking licence?

Whether Metbank is a property-owning company, or a banking institution remains yours to decide.
By Rufaro Hozheri May. 10, 2024

Metbank eyes more forex loans to drive profitability

A monetary gain and fair value adjustment were the main drivers of profit after tax.
By Blessed Ndlovu May. 1, 2024

Metbank in $700m net interest expense

During its financial year ended December 31, 2022, Metbank loans and advances were down slightly to $3,51 billion from a 2021 comparative of $3,52 billion.
By Tatira Zwinoira May. 1, 2023

High Court piles more misery on Mupfumira

High Court justices Benjamin Chikowero and Rodgers Manyangadze, however, dismissed her application saying there was no reason to interfere with the lower court’s ruling.
By Desmond Chingarande Apr. 13, 2023