Nyamukondiwa captures Zim Amateur ladies title

Bekker, who has just completed her first year at Lindsey Wilson College in Columbia, Kentucky, managed to beat Nyamukondiwa in the Manicaland Ladies Strokeplay in June as well.
By Munyaradzi Madzokere Aug. 2, 2024

Shutt, Nyamukondiwa win Zim Amateur championship

The 18-year-old golfer shot a level par 72 comprising two birdies and two bogeys in the final for a winning 6-under par 282 score after carding 73, 69 and 68 in the first three rounds.
By Munyaradzi Madzokere Jul. 30, 2024

Golf Zone: US-based Nyamukondiwa shines

Nyamukondiwa shot rounds of 74 76 and 77 to record the fourth best score on the combined leaderboard including male golfers.
By Munyaradzi Madzokere Jun. 28, 2024