Disability and poverty are closely linked

Disability and poverty are closely linked and have a huge impact on the level of inclusion in society and the achievement of the sustainable development goals.
By Deborah Tigere Jun. 16, 2024

Disability and the caregiver role

Caregivers often juggle multiple responsibilities including caregiving, work, household chores and other obligations which is overwhelming and stressful.
By Deborah Tigere Feb. 23, 2024

Artificial intelligence and disability

Access to assistive technology in less resourced settings is a major issue in light of poverty and other barriers hindering access
By Deborah Tigere Nov. 3, 2023

Perspectives: Importance of disability disaggregated data

Disability is a diverse group and the different impairments including barriers affecting access to services need to be considered.
By Deborah Tigere Oct. 1, 2023

Concern over discrimination of WWDs

Christine Peta said it was sad that WWDs were regarded as defective and, therefore, unable to reproduce.
By Lorraine Muromo Apr. 5, 2023

Promoting human rights in mental health

People need to demonstrate their resilience as they experience stressful and challenging environments.
By Debprah Tigere Jan. 22, 2023

New Horizon: Attitude a major barrier for achieving disability inclusion

The Constitution for Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act, 2013 provides for disability and clearly recognises the rights of people with disabilities.
By Deborah Tigere Nov. 25, 2022