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In the Groove: Macheso 12th album review
Of course, Macheso has still a lot of things going for him. He is a very handsome man. He is a great songwriter. He can play the bass very well and he still has a lot of energy. One cannot take that away from him, but imagine, 11 years from now, at 65, when he becomes an ugly, bald, wrinkled, fat-arced, grey haired and decrepit Macheso. You will be saying to yourself, ‘Oh, what a transformation from the guy who used to do all those moves during the Orchestra Mberikwazvo hey-days!’ So let us allow him to burn all the energy he has got while he is still able to do so.
In the Groove: Macheso 12th album review
Of course, Macheso has still a lot of things going for him. He is a very handsome man. He is a great songwriter. He can play the bass very well and he still has a lot of energy. One cannot take that away from him, but imagine, 11 years from now, at 65, when he becomes an ugly, bald, wrinkled, fat-arced, grey haired and decrepit Macheso. You will be saying to yourself, ‘Oh, what a transformation from the guy who used to do all those moves during the Orchestra Mberikwazvo hey-days!’ So let us allow him to burn all the energy he has got while he is still able to do so.
Ipec boss son’s trial date set
Court papers State that early last year, Kundai allegedly broke into Jemwa’s house at No 4 Quinnington Road in Borrowdale Brooke, an upmarket housing estate in Harare’s northern suburbs.