CCP censors Premier’s speech for comparing China’s post-pandemic ‘Zombie Economy’ to a sick patient

According to reports, Li Quiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee and the premier of the State Council, is the second most powerful figure in the CCP.
By The Hong Kong Post Jul. 18, 2024

The Chinese Communist Party’s scientific deception: Quantity over quality in research

 The pressure to “publish or perish” is particularly intense in Chinese academia.
By The Singapore Post Jul. 5, 2024

China’s economic malaise laid bare: A damning indictment at the National People’s Congress

The much-touted panacea of “high-quality development” – a buzzword parroted ad nauseam by Party apparatchiks – rings increasingly hollow.
By European Times Mar. 27, 2024

High-ranking CCP officials have been disappearing. What’s going on behind the scenes?

The figures were even more shocking than expected. In 2023 alone, the CCDI dealt with nearly 2.7 million individuals.
By Greek City Times Mar. 20, 2024

The Continued Deception: Unmasking The True Face Of The CCP

This advice, reminiscent of the days of Soviet Russia, raises concerns about the naivety and sympathy displayed by certain foreign intellectuals, diplomats, and media figures.
By The Singapore Post Feb. 17, 2024

President Xi in a fix as protests sweep across China

China’s youth unemployment rate as high as nearly 20%.
By Asian Lite Jan. 31, 2024

Maldives must vary of Chinese friendship: Lessons from South Asia’s experiences

It is however not only Sri Lanka that paid the price for friendlier relations with Beijing, but the story remained consistent with other countries in the region as well.
By Jan. 25, 2024

CCP’s treacherous internal political situation

They view the eventual demise of the CCP as an inevitable historical outcome.
By Newsday Jan. 16, 2024

China’s disinformation campaign detrimental to global peace and stability

It is not Taiwan but several other countries blamed China for spreading disinformation to influence public opinion, manipulate election outcomes and build a pro-China narrative.
By The Hongkong Post Dec. 28, 2023