CGI Zimbabwe elects Buzuzi as new president
New Horizon: Are elections important?
New Horizon: Balancing aid dependency, development
New perspectives: Inflation control critical for economic growth
Some economists are predicting, hopefully they are totally wrong, that the Zimbabwe dollar will inflate to US$1 for ZW$2000, an increase of hundreds of percent in three months.
New perspectives: Inflation control critical for economic growth
Some economists are predicting, hopefully they are totally wrong, that the Zimbabwe dollar will inflate to US$1 for ZW$2000, an increase of hundreds of percent in three months.
Financial records reveal Biden had $5.2million in unexplained income
Emails show he paid Hunter’s legal bills for one megabucks Chinese deal and was tapped as ‘big guy’ to get a 10% cut in another
New perspectives: Transitional mechanisms for more effective service delivery in peri-urban areas
The new entrants also bring new social values as well as shifts in local power balances, often associated with the erosion of traditional constituencies of village heads.
New perspectives: Transitional mechanisms for more effective service delivery in peri-urban areas
The new entrants also bring new social values as well as shifts in local power balances, often associated with the erosion of traditional constituencies of village heads.