ED is not sincere: Thomas Mapfumo...exiled musician calls for total removal of Zanu PF

Speaking to party (Zanu PF) supporters in Mutare, Mnangagwa this month, where he commissioned a fruit and water-processing plant at Mutare Teachers’ College, he said he will not seek to go beyond his second and final term in office.

DESPITE President Emmerson Mnangagwa's indication that he will not continue as president beyond 2028, in abidance with the country’s Constitution, exiled musician Thomas Mapfumo has called for a complete overhaul of Zanu PF, for Zimbabweans to be free.

Speaking to party (Zanu PF) supporters in Mutare, Mnangagwa this month, where he commissioned a fruit and water-processing plant at Mutare Teachers’ College, he said he will not seek to go beyond his second and final term in office.

“I did my first five years, so I am serving my last five years, which I will complete soon and I will go to rest,” he said.

“We will go to congress and look for someone who will succeed me. My days to rest are close; we will go to Congress and choose the one who will follow my footsteps,” said the President.

Mapfumo, a critic of the Mnangagwa administration said citizens should not be misled by his sentiments and must fight to overthrow Zanu PF’s authority.

"Don't listen to lies, Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF leaders are liars. They are not genuine people. "Even if Mnangagwa leaves office nothing will change, the whole party is the root problem and it should be removed.

Chiwenga (Constantino) is also on the sidelines, waiting for his chance to take up office.

“The party stinks of corruption and maladministration. Nothing will change. They grabbed power from Mugabe and if you ask him (Mnangagwa) why he did that and if it has helped the people he won't have any response. He just wanted power and nothing to benefit the people,” he said in an interview with Standard Style.

Mapfumo went on to urge citizens to take to the streets as the only way to remove Zanu PF.

"I told (Nelson) Chamisa that nothing will change if he and the people keep quiet,” he said.

“All those talks of God is in it won't change the status quo. If you don't fight back nothing will.

“Keeping quiet gives Zanu PF an advantage; they know that you are afraid of them.

“People should go into the streets, look at Kenya, they live better than Zimbabweans but they went into the streets.”

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