SONGS From A Room (SofarSounds), a global music events start-up known for its intimate andcommunity-based shows, made its highly anticipated debut in Zimbabwe last year. The event, heldin Harare, showcased a lineup of rising independent artists, providing music enthusiasts with aunique and immersive live music experience.
Originating from a humble home concert in London over 15 years ago, Sofar Sounds has grown intoa global community of music curators, spanning more than 450 cities worldwide. The innovativecompany aims to revolutionize the traditional live event experience by fostering a strongerconnection between attendees and artists.
Representing the Harare chapter of Sofar Sounds is the multi-faceted creative Khumbulani Muleya.
The Sofar Sounds concert in Harare kicked off with a captivating performance by the Glenview-basedTru Bantu Tribe. The Afro Jazz in Mbira band treated the audience to an enchanting blend ofrhythmic melodies and soulful vocals. Their set included songs like ; "Mbirimo" "Dzimwe nguva" and"Huyayi mununure". Comprised of lead vocalist and Mbira player Whatmore Muchuwe, bassistTakudzwa Mhindu, and drummer Nigel Madzinga, Tru Bantu Tribe has previously collaborated withrenowned local musician Leonard Zhakata, adding to their musical prowess.
Following Tru Bantu Tribe's mesmerising performance, the spotlight turned to the talented Mbiramusician Nasibo. She graced the stage with a solo act, captivating the audience with the melodicsounds of the Mbira instrument and her powerful vocal range. Nasibo's talent has not goneunnoticed, as she previously shared the stage with legendary Senegalese singer Youssou N'Dour in amultinational musical collaboration in Brussels. Her performance at the concert in Harare was atestament to her artistry and captivated the hearts of those in attendance. Earlier this year, sheperformed in Tanzania at the Sauti Za Busara music festival.
Closing the concert with an incredible display of Afro-acoustic melodies was the four-piece bandGwevedzi. Their smooth, easy-listening tunes, including songs like "Ndiringe" and "Ndinouya" fromtheir album Nhungo, provided the perfect finale to the event. Gwevedzi has been making waves inthe Zimbabwean music scene and had the opportunity to perform at the prestigious Stanbic BankJacaranda Music Festival alongside acclaimed artists such as Bongo Maffin, Zakes Bantwini, andAfrican Storm. For performing at the Sofar debut concert the band was this year shortlisted for anartist residency in London hosted by Sofar Sounds.
The organisers of the event expressed their enthusiasm for the Sofar Sounds model, highlighting itspotential to empower local musicians and create genuine connections between artists and theiraudiences. By reimagining the live event experience and providing a platform for emerging talent,the concept is paving the way for musicians to build both local and global followings.
Organisers are determined to expand this unique model throughout Zimbabwe. By offering musicenthusiasts an intimate environment with fewer disruptions, Sofar Sounds aims to foster a deeperappreciation for music while supporting the growth of the local music scene.