Peter Makwanya
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Foregrounding the capture of climate finance to developing countries
Green Climate Fund
By Peter Makwanya
Sep. 12, 2022
What if nations fail on climate change adaptation?
Whatever will be discussed there will not be in the interest of the environment and global adaptations but political self-centredness.
By Peter Makwanya
Sep. 19, 2022
Why developing countries pin their hopes on climate finance?
Mitigation and adaptation require substantial financial injections and that is where climate finance comes in
By Peter Makwanya
Sep. 26, 2022
Can Africa’s manufacturing base contribute to ecoprenuership?
Nigeria is another African country with great potential to be among the Brics countries
By Peter Makwanya
Oct. 3, 2022
Placement of climate justice in the overall climate change discourse
Attempts to interrogate and address issues of climate change appear to have failed to factor in climate justice issues effectively and sufficiently.
By Peter Makwanya
Oct. 10, 2022
Is the emission-free climate future still possible?
While COP27 is supposed to build upon the outcomes of COP26, quite a number of things have changed dramatically since Glasgow COP26.
By Peter Makwanya
Oct. 17, 2022
Exploring food losses and waste in the context of food insecurity
It is significant in this regard, to practise value addition through preserving food using traditional methods or integrating traditional method
By Peter Makwanya
Oct. 24, 2022
Role of climate cartoons in communicating climate injustices
It is the power and instrumental nature of cartoons that knows no boundary, higher office or status on the land.
By Peter Makwanya
Oct. 31, 2022
Mapping ecotourism in context of community biosphere reserves
Generally, ecotourism explores the potentially-positive social and environmental benefits of ecological tourism.
By Peter Makwanya
Nov. 7, 2022
Troubled minerals at the heart of global energy transition, no way forward
The discourse of today, whether real or mere greenwash, points towards transition from fossil fuels to clean energy transition or low carbon economies.
By Peter Makwanya
Nov. 14, 2022
Why loss and damage is such a sticking issue at COP27
Loss and damage, including fossil fuel burning have witnessed negotiating partners developing a cat and mouse relationship at the just ended COP27.
By Peter Makwanya
Nov. 21, 2022
Post COP27, taking stock, celebrating or counting losses
The events that lead to COP27, witnessed slow progress, with rich countries blocking progress on the sticking issue of loss and damage.
By Peter Makwanya
Nov. 28, 2022
International Day of Persons with Disabilities: In the context of climate-induced disasters
It is not yet clear how many millions or thousands of tree seedlings found their roots firmly in the soils of Zimbabwe this time around.
By Peter Makwanya
Dec. 5, 2022
Towards ecological stylistics, a new dimension in language and the environment
LANGUAGE use in environmental discourse is vital, both in describing sustainable and unsustainable human behaviours towards nature
By Peter Makwanya
Dec. 5, 2022
Disaster preparedness in the context of the rainy season
Communication information tools like Met-radios, which are in short supply, including television, radio broadcast, social media and newspapers are vital ingredients for disaster information updates
By Peter Makwanya
Dec. 19, 2022
Flood controlling mechanisms for vulnerable rural communities
This discussion foregrounds flood controlling mechanisms in rural areas more as compared to urban areas.
By Peter Makwanya
Dec. 27, 2022
What are your climate plans for 2023?
Our collective climate plans for 2023 should focus on strengthening livelihood options, recoveries and bouncing back.
By Peter Makwanya
Jan. 3, 2023
Fighting the greenwashing onslaught in climate change narrative
Throughout the world, many co-operates are fraudulently finding their ways out of their unsustainable behaviours and sanitising their tainted reputations through green washing.
By Peter Makwanya
Jan. 9, 2023
Trans-boundary power pool: Panacea to energy woes
In the Sadc region, only Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have enough power generation.
By Peter Makwanya
Jan. 16, 2023
Why scientists don’t always inform climate policy
Scientists and environmentalists have transformative knowledge and technical knowhow but they don’t run countries.
By Peter Makwanya
Jan. 23, 2023
Of Africa food sovereignty, climate change, GMO onslaught
One thing the continent needs to do is to situate, at the heart of its food systems is learning to work together with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the private sector in good faith.
By Peter Makwanya
Jan. 30, 2023
Dams spilling: Cause for celebration or concern
These are experienced in urban areas where, despite dams spilling, they are always reeling under water cuts and rationing.
By Peter Makwanya
Feb. 5, 2023
How a country can achieve resilience in construction sector
For these reasons resilient designers have to consider mitigated climate and disaster risks in their designs.
By Peter Makwanya
Feb. 13, 2023
Green faith should drive sustainable climate action strategies
Green faith or ecological faith has an instrumental role to play, in promoting and advancing issues of climate justice world-wide.
By Peter Makwanya
Feb. 20, 2023
Communication key to reducing knowledge gaps
Communication is not there to weaken or neutralise climate science information, but to regulate information flows, building verbal bridges, reduce uncertainties and increase understanding.
By Peter Makwanya
Feb. 27, 2023
Developing nations equally guilty of climate sins
Developing countries appear to be missing a crucial point in that they forget that they are also equally accountable for carbon emissions.
By Peter Makwanya
Mar. 6, 2023
It’s vital to localise actions on SDGs
SDG7 is critical in the people’s lives as it touches on the raw nerve of clean energy access, affordable and cheaper.
By Peter Makwanya
Mar. 13, 2023
Storytelling as a tool to influence climate action strategies
For participants to demonstrate competencies in speaking about climate change issues, they need to translate active listening into positive interactions about climate change.
By Peter Makwanya
Mar. 20, 2023
Role of communication in reporting energy transitions in Africa
Transitioning from centuries of fossil fuels burning to investment in low emissions development strategies can deliver the continent from multiple challenges of power generation.
By Peter Makwanya
Mar. 27, 2023
More effort needed to achieve zero-waste
In countries of concern, principles of re-using and recovering are not closely being foregrounded and monitored and implemented.
By Peter Makwanya
Apr. 3, 2023
Banks race to save teetering OK Zim...massive deal twinned with bold restructuring plan
Local News
By Shame Makoshori and Freeman Makopa
Feb. 7, 2025