Image, perceptions in entrepreneurial success

Marketing plays a critical role in bringing a positive image and perception of the entrepreneurial business, especially for a wide brand appreciation by the local/global community.

WE do not fully have control over perceptions that the world have in the way we do business, though at the end of the day we own anything that they think/say about us. 

This is how difficult it is to run a successful entrepreneurial business when image cannot be easily controlled by the owner(s).

Hence, image matters should become a central pivot in our strategic business plan, cutting across all levels into the global societies we ought to serve. 

Since most of our entrepreneurs focus only on the product/service they have made (marketing myopia), it is high time to start and continuously improve on good image building.

As a focus of this edition, it helps in improving positive perception of our business and its offerings by the potential customers in perfectly competitive markets where we are operating. 

 Also bearing in mind that good image like trust takes time to build and just a blink to destroy. 

To start with, entrepreneurial operations are viewed in various perspectives and meanings by different people/institutions.

This can be through some other contextual related issues, but mainly the size of the business and its ability to serve, satisfy and live a promise(s) made at the inception for high quality products/services provision. 

Therefore, it is a mix of tangible and non-tangible factors in developing an image that will sell the entrepreneurial business and its brand at any given period in time. 

As a reminder, value chain constructs should go towards   positive image building through considering perceptions of our local/global stakeholders. 

In this regard, we have various classifications of entrepreneurial businesses as prescribed by both academics and specialised professionals/practitioners. 

 In summary, all these can be narrowed down to start-ups, which then develops to small and medium businesses until a stage where they become large companies. 

A critical consideration in all these types/categories is on how image is managed for a positive investor and market attraction.

Also having in mind that we face competition at each stage of entrepreneurial development.

Marketing plays a critical role in bringing a positive image and perception of the entrepreneurial business, especially for a wide brand appreciation by the local/global community.

People do not only believe in what they hear but fuse with what can be seen and touched. 

This is the critical role of marketers in an entrepreneurial business where advertisements done bring heart and minds of the targeted markets to equilibrium with the types of offerings provided to them.

Living a promise is foundational in positive image/perception creation (where marketing is not a deception).

Yet most of our promising businesses have become their own terrorists through marketing ignorance and arrogance.

Imagine running an entrepreneurial business, but without a dedicated marketing function/department.

Who will be the custodian of a marketing strategic plan or spearheading the right marketing mixes for brand excellence? Usually, it is done haphazardly by most of our businesses.

Food for thought!!!  

Social interaction and alliances are also vital towards improved entrepreneurial image for success.

In some previous editions, we shared the same up to an extended level of talking matters that favour societal welfare (positive externalities).

Most of the times we discovered that our societies are crying because of negative spill overs from our operations. 

This might be in the form of environmental harm (for example pollution and land degradation) and pricing deceptions (mainly over-pricing) amongst other issues.

As bookish as it might sound, it has resulted in the downfall of most promising entrepreneurial businesses.

Our businesses are not existing in a vacuum but surrounded by societies who see, hear, share and act towards positive/negative image building. 

The alliances we form with various stakeholders in our operations matters too. Just like with a crime accomplices also exists in business alliances. Not every venture capitalist, lender and proposer of any sort is a business partner. Some will derail success you have achieved over the years through muddling your own image.

Internal engineering also talks more into the needed positive image of an entrepreneurial business.

The way human resource is considered to be an asset of the business translates into a good employee/employer branding to the outside world.

Even in the advent of technologies (artificial intelligence and robots) humans still have their greater role in providing excellent products/services that gives higher satisfaction to customers. In fact people want to deal with people in order to express their feelings, needs and wants towards maximum satisfaction.  

A disgruntled employee will not perform better or go an extra mile for a positive image of the entrepreneurial business.

Of course, when innovation and creativity becomes a way of doing business, it turns to be a culture that forms a positive image reflecting modernity.

Therefore, there is need to strike a balance. 

Lastly, compliance matters of an entrepreneurial business contributes to its positive image and long-term success.

That is through adhering to the rules of game in all perspectives from licencing, regulatory remittances and other forms of professional compliance. Till then, let us reflect and adjust for better. 

*Dr Farai Chigora is a businessman and academic. He is the head of business science at the Africa University’s College of Business, Peace, Leadership and Governance. His doctoral research focused on business administration (destination marketing and branding major, Ukzn, SA). He is into agribusiness and consults for many companies in Zimbabwe and Africa. He writes in his personal capacity and can be contacted for feedback and business at [email protected],, WhatsApp mobile: +263772886871.

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