It’s back to the old, tired ‘sanctions’ mantra again

Blame ZiG collapse on sanctions ... RBZ governor John Mushayavanhu

Muckraker is thoroughly disappointed with the very high levels of dullness exhibited by some Zimbos. Despite their high education (thanks to the Party), many of them sadly still behave like a foolish lot.

After vene — in their capacity as the listening ownership of the country — heeded their clamours that the 1:14 exchange rate of the gold-backed Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency was unrealistic, they had no choice but to allow the currency to freely float, stabilising at around 1:25 to the over-rated US dollar. The very same Zimbos who had been demanding that vene do something about the exchange rate went berserk, accusing our owners of being “heartless” by allowing the ZiG to fall.

That is when one realises that these people are not their own masters, but mere string-puppets playing to their masters’ tune.

This time around, they even demanded to know why the ZiG, the strongest currency in the world, was going south when gold prices on the world market are actually heading north. Surely, how can one explain to Zimbos that this is exactly the effects of the illegal sanctions imposed on this country by the evil West? How can this explanation be made for Zimbos to finally appreciate that the illegal sanctions are real?

Until now, vene have done everything to explain this away … even using diagrams, pie charts, graphs and columns, yet Zimbos still cannot understand — in actual fact, they don’t want to understand — which points to some evil forces in the West as being behind all this.

Who controls the global market prices? Isn’t it the same evil forces in the West? So, doesn’t it only follow that they are responsible for the fall of our gold-backed ZiG? Yet Zimbos, despite their education, still wanted Cde John the Second — a very busy man — to come down to them to explain this very basic fact regarding the manipulation of the value of the ZiG by the West? The motive being to trigger an uprising in their hope of bringing their regime change agenda to fruition.

In the past, the same thankless Zimbos cried “Corruption!” when vene tried to send Cde Henrietta Rushwaya to negotiate as close to these global market prices as possible for our gold in Dubai.

What do Zimbos really want? You even hear them claiming that the ZiG is the pipe being used by our Owner and his cabal to siphon money from the poor. What nonsense! Thankfully, our Owner is long-suffering, otherwise if it were Muck, he would have long resigned in frustration, leaving them ownerless!

In her book, Sand Against the Wind, Barbara W Tuchman says something about Lung Yun (a Chinese provincial governor before the revolution) whose resources for raising money were said to be infinite: “In one he ordered that all two-wheeled carts, the common vehicle of the area, must be equipped with rubber tyres. Then he opened his warehouses to sell the tyres he had confiscated during the days of traffic on the Burma Road. After that he passed a new law taxing all carts with rubber tyres!”

Muck is aware that some people who are unhappy with the disarming progress that the Second Republic has been making are trying to incite Zimbos into believing that they are being bled dry by their government through what these popinjays claims to be unjustified taxes and other usuriously high charges.

They cite the mere US$500 vehicle registration fee, (they claim it is only US$10 in South Africa), the ZBC listeners fee that is now conditional for vehicle insurance and licencing, the US$200-plus passport fee, the handsome toll gate fees (they claim for the worst roads) and excessive tax on fuel, among others, as examples of what they claim to be the government’s smash-and-grab acts on its citizens.

Can you imagine that they even have the gall to suggest that taxes under the colonial administration were much lighter than now? Surely, how can one even think of making any comparisons between a jellyfish and a guitar? Nxa-a!

Thankfully, the Zimbos are not gullible. They are always more than happy to contribute to the economic transformation of their nation, under our Owner’s guiding philosophy that the country is built by its people (nyika inovakwa nevene vayo).

In fact, this week’s address by our Owner clearly showed why Zimbos feel that the country is in the best of hands and therefore are not willing to lose such rare ownership for the mere sake of pleasing the West.

Stockholm syndrome?

Muck is again disappointed that Zimbos continue to fail to see the fruits brought about by the Second Republic. In the process of clarifying facts about a video that went viral on the social media that suggested that our people had looted potatoes on a white-owned farm in Banket, the police explained that the people had been authorised to help themselves to damaged potatoes left on the field.

In the process of this explanation, the police thankfully highlighted that the farm in question is actually owned by a retired judge, Justice Vernanda Ziyambi, who is renting it out to Jonathan Timothy Mackwade.

Instead of thanking the Second Republic for making it possible for whites to be tenants to blacks, some Zimbos started asking silly questions like why are people who are not farmers own land in the country while actual farmers are denied access to the land.

In the past, blacks toiled on the farms for the benefit of whites, now the Second Republic has reversed that, it is now whites who are toiling on the land for the benefit of the black landowners, and some blacks are refusing to celebrate this achievement! Is this what is called the Stockholm syndrome?

Still insulted!

While what happens in America is not of much interest to Muck, he however, is unhappy that the criminal Donald Trump is trying to have a second bite of the cherry. Muck has been unable to forgive the loose-mouthed billionaire for insulting our owners.

In May 2016, during his previous presidential election campaign, the Republican candidate insulted all our leaders — and us by extension — when he addressed a rally in Nebraska.

“Africans are living like slaves in their own land, yet they claim they are independent. Look at how those African leaders change constitutions in their favour so that they can be life presidents. They are all greedy and do not care about the common people. The only thing they are interested in is accumulating wealth from poor taxpayers,” Trump said then.

Everyone knows that there is no truth whatsoever in these strange and insulting claims. Muck is still dutifully angry on behalf of our owners and is therefore fasting and praying that Trump is made the reject that he is in the November election.

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