Boost academic success with parental involvement

parental involvement

AS a parent, you play a vital role in your child’s academic development.

Research has consistently shown that parental involvement is a significant predictor of academic success in primary school children.

Parental involvement is not just about attending parent-teacher conferences or helping with homework.

It’s about creating a supportive environment that encourages academic growth, social development and emotional well-being.

When parents are actively engaged in their child’s education, they can significantly impact their child's academic performance, motivation, and overall educational experience.

Establishing a daily routine is essential for academic success.

Setting aside dedicated time for homework and studying helps create a sense of structure and responsibility.

Designating a quiet, organised study space also fosters an environment conducive to learning.

This space should be free from distractions, allowing your child to focus on their studies.

Effective communication with teachers is critical.

Regular discussions about progress, goals and concerns help parents stay informed and enable teachers to provide targeted support.

By attending parent-teacher conferences, parents demonstrate their commitment to their child’s education and build a stronger relationship with teachers.

Encouraging reading is vital for academic development.

Reading with your child regularly helps foster a love of reading, improves literacy skills, and broadens their knowledge.

Engaging in math activities, games, and puzzles also supports math practice and problem-solving skills.

Attending school events like sports tournaments/galas, fundraising events like high teas, walkathons or art exhibitions, volunteering in class or at school are excellent ways to demonstrate your support and commitment to your child’s education.

These activities provide opportunities to meet teachers, interact with other parents and stay informed about school initiatives.

While parental involvement is crucial, it can be challenging to balance work, family and other responsibilities.

Prioritising family time, setting boundaries and scheduling dedicated time with your child are essential.

Managing technology, limiting screen time and monitoring usage also help maintain a healthy balance.

Seeking additional support when needed is vital.

Consulting with teachers, tutors or educational specialists can provide targeted guidance and address learning difficulties.

Investing in your child’s future by prioritising parental involvement can have a lasting impact on their academic, social, and emotional development.

Start with small steps today, and watch your child thrive.

  • Bessie Masiya is a primary school teacher and a multi-sports coach. She can be contacted on [email protected]

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