ED visibility takes centre stage in Mash East

According to the provincial leadership, this is necessary to make Mnangagwa more visible to the electorate.

BY JAIROS SAUNYAMA ZANU PF Mashonaland East leadership has ordered all party WhatsApp group administrators in the province to have President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s picture as a profile icon.

According to the provincial leadership, this is necessary to make Mnangagwa more visible to the electorate.

In a notice circulated on Zanu PF social media groups, provincial chairperson Daniel Garwe said WhatsApp groups must have Mnangagwa’s picture as a profile.

“May all groups please carry His Excellency, the President, Dr E D Mnangagwa’s image. Kindly operationalise this request at your earliest convenience. I thank you for your anticipated cooperation,” the notice reads.

Provincial spokesperson Tatenda Mavetera confirmed the authenticity of Garwe’s notice.

“We need to understand that optics matter and what people see is what they believe and also what they are supposed to comprehend and also understand,” Mavetera said.

“So truly speaking it is important to us to increase the visibility of his Excellency in Mashonaland East because it is also quite important for everyone to see the name and the face of the President and what it then does is it makes everyone know what they are supposed to be doing, especially in the upcoming election.”

Zanu PF is currently in overdrive to mobilise an ambitious five million votes for the 2023 harmonised elections.

“We are now in the mobilisation drive for the 5 million votes and we need to be able to make sure that our presidential candidate’s face and also what he is doing is visible to Zimbabwe so that at least during the elections everyone will really know that this is right person that we need to vote for,” Mavetera said.

“I believe that as Zanu PF that is what we are all doing, that’s why you saw our chairperson saying he wants to see the picture of His Excellency on each group that belongs to Zanu PF. Whenever you are in that WhatsApp group, its a way of reminding and re-emphasising the fact that his Excellency is our presidential candidate.”

The province has been tasked to mobilise a total of 800 000 votes in the 2023 elections.

Last year, the then provincial leadership barred party members not holding positions from forming WhatsApp groups in the name of Zanu PF.

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