Cop jailed 15 years for rape

Tarisai Madondo was jailed by Bindura magistrate Amos Mbobo after a full trial.

A Rushinga-based police officer has been sentenced to 15 years in jail for raping a Lower Six student.

Tarisai Madondo was jailed by Bindura magistrate Amos Mbobo after a full trial.

Prosecutor Edward Katsvairo told the court that on September 26 last year, the complainant boarded a bus to her school in Rushinga.

She sat next to a police officer who was clad in police uniform.

Madondo discovered that the complainant had some jelly gummies, which he claimed had some alcohol content.

He threatened to report her to the school authorities before force-marching her to a police base.

He detained her overnight.

During the night, he raped her several times with a condom and released her the following morning.

She was quizzed by the school authorities after missing a morning lesson and revealed the rape.



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