THE Chirumanzu chieftainship wrangle has taken a new twist after self-proclaimed King Munhumutapa, born Timothy Chiminya, on Thursday installed heir apparent Julius Chimbi Chigegwe as Chief Chirumanzu.
Chigegwe has over the years been fighting for the chieftainship with acting Chief Chirumanzu, Fidelis Mudzengi, with the latter reportedly refusing to hand over the throne.
In a letter dated March 13 addressed to Mvuma district development co-ordinator Joram Chimedza, Chiminya said as King Munhumutapa, he had the power over all chiefs in the country and, therefore, had the authority to preside over the installation of a substantive Chirumanzu chief.
“I, as King Munhumutapa, met with the Chirumanzu chieftainship clan, including the houses of Nherera, Mhepo, Chirumanzu and Murizirapi, where they were discussing the next heir to the Chirumanzu chieftainship,” the letter, written in vernacular, read.
“The Mhepo house advised me as king that they had chosen Julius Chigegwe Chimbi to be the next Chief Chirumanzu.
“Since as a king I have the powers to install or remove chiefs and bearing in mind that all acting chiefs should hold office for not more than two years before a substantive chief is chosen, I, therefore, preside over the installation of the chief (Chirumanzu) according to our traditional laws and customs.”
Chiminya said the district development co-ordinator should set the day for celebrations and unveil the new traditional leader to his subjects.
Chiminya yesterday confirmed presiding over the installation of Chigegwe as the new chief.
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“It is true. On March 6, I wrote to the Judicial Service Commission’s secretary Walter Chikwana advising him of the separation of powers of the king and the Judiciary,” he said.
In the letter gleaned by this publication, Chiminya wrote: “This letter serves to confirm that I King Munhumutapa was sworn in by the High Court of Zimbabwe on September 30, 2022 as king under case number HC 3981/22. All the chiefs, including the president of the Chief’s Council, now fall under King Munhumutapa.”
The battle for the Chirumanzu chieftainship started following the death of Jerald Mudzengi in February 2019.
Mudzengi’s son, Fidelis, has been acting chief and allegedly refused to hand over power to Chigegwe following the expiry of his term as acting chief in February 2022.
Mudzengi has, however, maintained that he is the heir to the throne.