Zim author to turn book into cartoon series

Central European- based Zimbabwean Academic writer and poet Mthulisi Ndlovu.

EUROPE-BASED Zimbabwean academic, writer and poet Mthulisi Ndlovu (27) is set to publish a children’s book titled Maria Goes To Africa, which he says is based on Afrocentric history paying more attention to Zimbabwe.

Ndlovu told NewsDay Life & Style that the book series, to be published in July by Ubuntu Afro-Publishers in collaboration with a Europe-based publisher, will have a double launch in Europe and in Africa.

The author said he had already started making arrangements for the transformation of the book into a cartoon series.

“Turning the book into cartoons is one of the major priorities. As we speak, the preparations and negotiations with my collaborators are at an advanced stage. If everything goes well before the year ends, we should have hit the road,” Ndlovu said.

“The book, Maria Goes To Africa is an adventurous story of a young ambitious and intelligent girl with utmost eagerness to harness the spirit of ubuntu. Her subconscious desire to learn and understand the global cultural systems of humanity leads her to visit Zimbabwe, a very beautiful landlocked country in southern Africa. The book is based on a true story,” Ndlovu explained.

Ndlovu hinted that he will be collaborating with a Cameroon-based illustrator on the series, adding that the book will cater for a wide range of audiences as it is written in three languages.

“The book is expected to be published in different languages which will include, but not limited to English, Polish and IsiNdebele. The idea is to cater for a wider audience and also infiltrate the global market,” he noted.

“My wish is to also spread my wings, experiment and explore this idea through cartoons, voice overs, motion pictures and see where it will lead us to. I am, however, hopeful and confidently sure the world will receive it with both hands.”

Ndlovu said he intended to cultivate global cultural tolerance and collaborations at the same time enhancing tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

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