Zim to host Africa Green, Waste and Energy Summit

Africa Green, Waste and Energy Summit logo

ZIMBABWE is set to host the 12th edition of Africa Green, Waste and Energy Expo and Summit (Green Expo) this month under the theme: A just transition: remodelling systems.

The summit will be hosted by Zimbabwe Sunshine Group in partnership with the United Nations Development Programmes, ActionAid and the government.

It will run from July 26 to 29 in Harare.

The Green Expo, which is held annually, facilitates dialogue among thousands of participants from across the globe

Speaking to NewsDay Business, Cynthia Tapera, who is the summit’s spokesperson, said the event was crucial for the country.

“This year the Green Expo and Summit comes at a time when global competition is heating up among countries looking to establish themselves as centres for innovation and production for the rapidly emerging green tech and energy transition sectors,” she said.

“Shareholders and investors alike are demanding credible disclosures on companies’ climate transition plans. Investors want to see action in line with the risk climate change presents and will challenge those who are not doing enough to transition their businesses.”

Tapera said the private sector was crucial in the transition to a green economy.

There will be presentations from leading banks and financial institutions championing green transition.

“Financial services are critical players in financing the transition to a green economy. What policies have they put in place to finance the just energy transition without pulling the plug on fossil fuels and non-renewable energy, for example what we are seeing with the ongoing fossil fuel debate,” she said.

“Candid discussions, about the importance of transition finance and about innovative financing mechanisms for green projects, are to be expected.”

This highly interactive event allows in-depth exploration of issues of green jobs, circular economies and how civil society and governments can ensure that a just transition is at the core of mainline African sustainable development agendas.

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