Govt moves to empower female miners

Small-scale gold miners, who include women, contribute 60% of the country’s total gold production, making them the largest forex-earning group.
By Blessed Ndlovu Jun. 17, 2024

9th Parliament’s unfinished business

THE President (Emmerson Mnangagwa) began by specifically naming the following five Bills from the Ninth Parliament as still needing to be passed:
By Veritas Oct. 17, 2023

New mines law a welcome game changer, but…

The Bill does away with the current mining commissioner, and renames this official the “provincial mining director” (PMD).
By James Tsabora Apr. 3, 2023

Uproar over Mines Bill

Chief among the issues were contradicting clauses with regards to areas open to prospecting, strategic minerals and the composition of the Mining Affairs Board (MAB).
By Melody Chikono Mar. 24, 2023