Extreme sports at school

School of sport: BY TIM MIDDLETON THE ten Most Extreme Sports are listed on one website as being Ice Climbing, Volcano Boarding, Heli-skiing, Crocodile Bungee Jumping, Limbo Skating, Base Jumping, Wing Walking, Big Wave Surfing, Free Solo Climbing and High Lining. In looking at this list, it would be true to say, in all fairness, […]

By The Independent Sep. 19, 2021

Extreme sports at school

School of sport: BY TIM MIDDLETON THE ten Most Extreme Sports are listed on one website as being Ice Climbing, Volcano Boarding, Heli-skiing, Crocodile Bungee Jumping, Limbo Skating, Base Jumping, Wing Walking, Big Wave Surfing, Free Solo Climbing and High Lining. In looking at this list, it would be true to say, in all fairness, […]

By The Independent Sep. 19, 2021