Business Opinion: Customer value at the apex of entrepreneurship

The time has come for us as thriving entrepreneurs to fully empower our frontline staff with all marketing tools, promotional kits, brand management skilling and full product/service ownership.

It is now clear to all of us that businesses have moved with the same global trend towards building/strengthening customer relationships rather than concentrating on a mere product/service development. Customers are now buying brands and associating with companies that really know them with specification of what they really want/need. That is the same reason why we have moved from a product orientation into this current perspective where engaging/dialogue has become a solution for increased sales. Apparently we are now getting into the production line and service processing hand to hand with our customers making quality decisions together rather than being silos. Such a complementary relationship has re-engineered marketing to be customer-centered than any time before.  Thanks to some discussions and heads up we have done over the years to now move with the same vision that places customer value at the apex of entrepreneurship. Here we do not only prescribe but practice.

To start with there is a traditional standardised hierarchy which is making most organisations an old school type of instructive operation against the contemporary needs. This has been turned upside down with the aim to reposition the customer so as to be at the apex. Now the customer is recognized as the leader in product/service craftsmanship rather than being at the lower end. The same level used to be dominated by top level management which made it difficult for them to relate directly with customers as they were two different poles that would never meet. No wonder why even marketing promotional matters have become secretive board room matters not to be known by the key stakeholder as the customer. We should then revisit the same adage that!!!The customer is a king!!! This has proven to be a key cog in our present day marketing engineering for vibrant entrepreneurship.

The time has come for us as thriving entrepreneurs to fully empower our frontline staff with all marketing tools, promotional kits, brand management skilling and full product/service ownership. These in the traditional oganisational hierarchy have been treated as receivers of instructions only without empowerment to make influential decisions on their own and for the customers. In this new development we are focusing on, they are now given a space to talk, engage/lead in the production line and marketing promotion mix. The reason being that they know the customer better than any other member of the organisation. Since it now the customer who is at the top the frontline staff should then follow.

Middle level management has always been a critical connector between the entrepreneurial visionaries and frontline staff. At this middle stage we have traditionally seen functional formation where marketing as a departments resides amongst others like finance. Yes the same interconnection still exists even in the proposed and workable new hierarchy but with some sort of decentralization. Instead of feeding the frontline staff with what they are supposed to do now it’s a discussion as partners in doing business for best customer value and satisfaction.

Then as it stands the top level management is now making decisions for high customer value based on what has been informed by the customers themselves through frontline staff. This is a positive revolution as our entrepreneurs are now working with reality and precision in using their marketing resources for what the customers really want rather than estimations. Remember resources are scarce in their supply hence they should be safeguarded for a profit. Introduction of systems by the top level management that encourage effective customer relations supported by a well wired marketing communication strategy will further strengthen customer value.

I advise that the top level management should become a repository to push for a wowing experience of the customer.  Through living the life of a strategic researcher, innovator and scientist. Whereby the art of entrepreneurship is now fused with originality, artificial intelligence, extensive marketing research and adherence to global trends. The role of the top level managers then is to bring in successful strategic partnerships with the world. This not only helps in having more shareholding but quick response to trending innovation, needed infrastructure development/modification and globalization.  The role of the top level management towards entrepreneurship should move from being an office dweller to profitably globetrot for new ideas, exchange programming, systems adjustments and safeguarding of legacy.

It is highly evident in this discussion that improved customer value for entrepreneurship has to be systematic and structurally integrated mainly as informed by the customers themselves. The customer is at the top of everything and all other players come as supporters in providing maximum satisfaction. Let us revisit our structures, introspect and act towards placing the customer at the apex. 

*Farai Chigora is a businessman and academic. He is the head of management and entrepreneurship at the Africa University’s College of Business, Peace, Leadership and Governance. His doctoral research focused on business administration (destination marketing and branding major, Ukzn, SA). He is into agribusiness and consults for many companies in Zimbabwe and Africa. He writes in his personal capacity and can be contacted for feedback and business at [email protected], WhatsApp mobile: +263772886871.

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