Dumoluhle Moyo

Dumoluhle Moyo

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Tech revolution: Canvassing for ministry of AI in Zim

AI, as a non-human technology replicating human intelligence for specific tasks, offers remarkable opportunities for growth but also introduces substantial disruptions and risks.
By Dumoluhle Moyo Feb. 16, 2024

Zim’s legal paradox ahead of Sadc Summit

In recent months, Africa has witnessed a surge of protests led by its vibrant young people, from Kenya to Uganda and most recently in Nigeria.
By Dumoluhle Moyo Aug. 16, 2024

Zim sports governance: Open for business or open for misuse?

Apart from its recreational value, its economic impact is amplified by the appeal of sports merchandise
By Dumoluhle Moyo Aug. 30, 2024

The rise of mega-churches, the legal landscape in Zim

Amid the rise of Pentecostal churches, a new trend has emerged: the rise of the “celebrity pastor”.
By Dumoluhle Moyo Sep. 27, 2024