Boldwill Hungwe

Boldwill Hungwe

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Calls to end cyber bullying of female journalists

A study by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom titled: “Sustaining Media Freedom for Female Journalists in Zimbabwe” reveals alarming statistics. 
By Boldwill Hungwe Dec. 15, 2023

Misa breaks new ground on AI

Titled, AI Report on southern Africa, the report provides key insights into the current uptake and utilisation of AI in the region.
By Boldwill Hungwe Mar. 24, 2024

Critical gaps in Zim’s data protection legislation revealed

The event was attended by researchers, civic society organisations, legal practitioners, Potraz, the media, students and Members of Parliament from the Media and ICTs portfolio committees.
By Boldwill Hungwe Jul. 29, 2024

Waves of Nostalgia: The unforgettable magic of radio in post-independence Zimbabwe

If you ask me why I have a car radio licence, I’ll frown like a charging bull and say, “Ask the car, not me.” If it's the law that mandates it, well, let the law keep on puffing.
By Boldwill Hungwe Aug. 4, 2024