Trevor Ncube
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Job Sikhala — A plea for tolerance
There is an urgent need for prison reform and infrastructure modernisation.
By Trevor Ncube
Oct. 5, 2022
Electoral Reforms must be inclusive of all stakeholders
There is still no consensus on the form and extent of the crucial reforms that would make elections in Zimbabwe credible and move the country forward.
By Trevor Ncube
Oct. 13, 2022
Sanctions and corruption are hurting Zimbabwe
Chamisa is overly aware of this lethal effect of sanctions on Zimbabwe but because he sees them as a weapon to fight his way to State power.
By Trevor Ncube
Nov. 2, 2022
Power of language in nation building
Colonialists knew the unifying power of language. When the British colonised the land between the Zambezi and the Limpopo, they found indigenous populations at war with each other.
By Trevor Ncube and Nevanji Madanhire
Nov. 10, 2022
Bitcoin — a new tool for privacy and freedom of transaction
Bitcoin — a new tool for privacy and freedom of transaction
By Nevanji Madanhire and Trevor Ncube
Nov. 9, 2022
Language: A glue that binds nations
Believe it or not, the coming of colonialism is what put a halt to this process.
By Trevor Ncube and Nevanji Madanhire
Nov. 11, 2022
National Reconciliation: time for politicians to grow up, build a resilient nation
At this moment what Zimbabwe needs cannot be achieved by one person or one political party.
By Trevor Ncube
Nov. 17, 2022
National reconciliation: Time for politicians to grow up, build a resilient nation.
It is not too late for President Emmerson Mnangagwa to rise above #thisandthatforED and do the tough but crucial job of leading all Zimbabweans.
By Trevor Ncube
Nov. 22, 2022
Press freedom and responsibility
Has the media in Zimbabwe over the years taken a stance that works for the resolution of the conflict, or has it worked to aggravate the situation?
By Trevor Ncube
Nov. 24, 2022
The alternative Sona
The full potential of our economy will only be realised once land, our biggest asset after our people, is made bankable again.
By Trevor Ncube
Dec. 1, 2022
The scourge of corruption in the newsroom
Low salaries are no defence for the debasing of this otherwise very noble profession.
By Trevor Ncube
Dec. 7, 2022
Power, poor strategic thinking
It was foolish to depend so much on Kariba South Power Station because hydropower stations are always seasonal.
By Trevor Ncube and Nevanji Madanhire
Dec. 14, 2022
No new dispensation at Makombe Building
Petty officialdom, and crass rudeness are some of the experiences I have had when dealing with government officials.
By Trevor Ncube
Jan. 19, 2023
Zimbabwe needs national psychological safety
This culture starts from home, the education system, the workplace and permeates all facets of national discourse.
By Trevor Ncube
Feb. 2, 2023
Zim scraping the barrel for friends, investors
The visit last week by the Belarus President Aleksander Lukashenko and his business delegation points to the friends President Emmerson Mnangagwa keeps.
By Trevor Ncube
Feb. 9, 2023
Weak Zim opposition not good for democracy
The opposition blames the strongman tactics of the ruling Zanu PF party for their misfortunes.
By Trevor Ncube
Feb. 16, 2023
Texting while driving kills the economy
Children should be in the back seat with their seat belts properly fastened
By Trevor Ncube
Feb. 23, 2023
Which dictatorship do you prefer, CCC or Zanu PF?
The electorate is forced to choose only between Zanu PF and Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC); this must be resisted by those who love democracy.
By Trevor Ncube
Mar. 23, 2023
Zim corruption becomes the gold standard
We were told that he was “expected to use his vast experience in evangelism and business to promote investment for the country”.
By Trevor Ncube
Apr. 20, 2023
Zim’s 43 years of economic, political unfreedom
The 1980 Zanu PF political manifesto outlined 13 fundamental rights that included freedom of speech, freedom to demonstrate and to strike.
By Trevor Ncube
Apr. 27, 2023
Beware of those who loot in the ‘national interest’
While Mnangagwa has distanced himself from the offending notice at the time of writing, nothing has been done to repeal it. So, it remains law.
By Trevor Ncube
May. 18, 2023
Business has contributed to economic collapse
Our business leaders blend with, and mimic the leadership style of the politicians.
By Trevor Ncube
May. 26, 2023
Business sector has contributed to national collapse
I am reminded of remarks of colleagues in business during my days as editor: “You will be arrested for your outspokenness against the government.”
By Trevor Ncube
May. 25, 2023
Parliament does an unpatriot thing
The Patriot Bill is about protecting the Zanu PF government from criticism — it serves no public interest.
By Trevor Ncube
Jun. 8, 2023
Parliament does the unpatriotic thing
It must be rejected by all who genuinely love Zimbabwe.
By Trevor Ncube
Jun. 9, 2023
Mnangagwa, Chamisa must be stopped for Zim to win
There is no capacity in both Zanu PF and the Citizens Coalition for Change to rebuild Zimbabwe without the broader participation of competent and patriotic citizens at home and abroad.
By Trevor Ncube
Jul. 6, 2023
Releasing Chihambakwe report key to honouring Joshua Nkomo
This opportunism, particularly from Mnangagwa, is nauseating and an affront to common decency.
By Trevor Ncube
Jul. 13, 2023
Texting while driving is against the law
Change begins with you and it begins with me. Stop using your phone while driving.
By Trevor Ncube
Jul. 20, 2023
The case for the Zim diaspora vote
Zimbabwe has benefited from diaspora remittances but those forced to relocate are denied the right to vote.
By Trevor Ncube
Jul. 27, 2023
The case for the Zim diaspora vote.
A transparent exercise by our embassies to ascertain the exact number of Zimbabweans abroad would be a good starting point.
By Trevor Ncube
Jul. 28, 2023

US$2,2 million payout to Chinese firm raises stink
Local News
By Tinashe Kairiza and Julia Ndlela
Mar. 7, 2025
Foreign companies swoop on Zim for mergers
Local News
By Mthandazo Nyoni and Freeman Makopa
Mar. 7, 2025
Inside abandoned mega acquisitions...regulator explains tough stance on CBZ, ZB, FMHL deals
Local News
Mar. 7, 2025