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Does a mere handshake signify diplomatic breakthrough?
Secondly, the British, for all their handicaps, have been steadfast in what they want before they could lift the travel and trade embargo imposed on their former colony.
By Editorial
Sep. 10, 2022
Coventry needs to clean up Zifa mess
Kamambo’s executive was accused of corruption and maladministration, among a litany of charges.
By Editorial
Sep. 11, 2022
Coventry needs to clean up Zifa mess.
Kamambo’s executive was accused of corruption and maladministration, among a litany of charges.
By Editorial
Sep. 11, 2022
Mnangagwa’s call out to war veterans welcome
IT has come as really refreshing that President Emmerson Mnangagwa has decided, for once, to bridle some of his colleagues
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Sep. 16, 2022
Wafer-thin capital markets send shivers
PENSION funds, the traditional sources of capital for business, are now wafer thin to underwrite the scale of funding required to propel industries forward.
By Editorial
Sep. 16, 2022
Politicians must walk their peace talk
Ncube’s known close relations with Mnangagwa and the latter’s deafening silence over the former minister’s inciting utterances puts the President’s public peace calls into question.
By Editorial
Sep. 17, 2022
Incompetent ministers should face the axe
In short, we are simply saying, waste no more precious time on your largely inept team, Cde President.
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Sep. 23, 2022
TNF must help resolve Zim’s multi-faceted crises
Draconian laws have been used to crush industrial actions due to high discontentment.
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Sep. 24, 2022
Zim’s desperate power situation points to poor planning
All these scenarios make us laughing stalks and a joke of a people.
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Sep. 30, 2022
About time common sense prevailed
AS the clock ticks away towards Zimbabwe’s 2023 general elections, a foreboding feeling of trepidation is all round.
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Oct. 1, 2022
Massive emigration: Wake-up call for govt
THIS week, government told us that 900 000 Zimbabweans migrated abroad between 2020 and 2021. This is nearly a million or 6% of the country’s population.
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Oct. 7, 2022
Let’s heed World Bank’s wise counsel
It would be a real disgrace, an embarrassment and foolhardy for us to ignore this free and very valuable frank advice.
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Oct. 14, 2022
Child malnutrition, stunted growth belong to medieval era
. Socio-economic inequalities have seen millions of children failing to grow within the expected optimal growth.
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Oct. 15, 2022
ED must revisit his inauguration pledge
President Emmerson Mnangagwa clearly promised the nation a departure from his predecessor.
By Editorial
Oct. 21, 2022
Don’t blame sanctions only, corruption is a factor too
This rubbishes the claim by the United States that the restrictions have affected just more than 100 individuals put on the list.
By Editorial
Oct. 21, 2022
Zanu PF loses plot on parastatals
And given the hordes of parastatals numbering over 100 the party could potentially raise well over US$500 000 from exhibition space proceeds.
By Editorial
Oct. 25, 2022
Zanu PF’s stance on NewsDay sad, unfortunate
SO the ruling Zanu PF party has decided to throw caution to the wind and further divide the country’s media by labelling some among us as “fiction writers” not worth entertaining.
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Oct. 28, 2022
An impassioned plea for our health sector
New Health minister, Douglas Mombeshora’s work is more than cut out as Nembaware’s demise clearly indicates.
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Sep. 27, 2023
Starlink’s licensing raises dust
Rwanda had 5 102 Starlink subscribers as at March 31, according to the report by the Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority for the first quarter ended March 31, 2024.
By Editorial
May. 27, 2024