Eddie Cross
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The destructive force of corruption
The scale of such corruption is staggering when you view it against our economy and the general quality of life that our people enjoy.
By Eddie Cross
Sep. 7, 2022
The importance of parastatals
Our State-owned power utility is generating half of the power we consumed 20 years ago
By Eddie Cross
Sep. 27, 2022
Critical moments in history
We rehabilitated the railway line, replaced the old wooden sleepers with steel ones.
By Eddie Cross
Oct. 21, 2022
Implications of Zim’s exchange rate policy
An undervalued currency made labour cheaper than it might have been, it also inhibited the cost of basic supplies and services that had a domestic origin.
By Eddie Cross
Oct. 28, 2022
Urgent need to rebuild Zim agric
We need to rebuild agriculture from the ground upwards. First, farmers have to have bankable security of tenure.
By Eddie Cross
Nov. 8, 2022
Challenges of a new world order
Its nationalism remains a problem which is currently expressed in the war with Ukraine which can only end badly for Russia.
By Eddie Cross
Nov. 22, 2022
Southern African power crisis stems from post-liberation history
Power demand is now growing faster than at any other time in our history.
By Eddie Cross
Dec. 8, 2022
Meeting essential human needs
The digitalisation of the global economy has just made things worse, we live in a divided world where the “haves” get richer and the rest continuously slide into poverty.
By Eddie Cross
Dec. 11, 2022
A subdued Christmas this year
If we gave away our cloaks to those who did not have. If we shared, there would be no hunger in the world. War would have no place in human history.
By Eddie Cross
Dec. 22, 2022
Key issues facing Zim in 2023
Today, Zimbabwe is virtually the only African State that does not have a functioning national market for hard currency.
By Eddie Cross
Jan. 20, 2023
Zim’s gold mining ecosystem needs thorough clean-up
When Zimbabwe became independent in 1980, we were a significant but small gold producer with several hundreds of mines located across the country.
By Eddie Cross
Feb. 21, 2023
Authorities must wise up to new realities
Communication is now instantaneous and almost universal. Not long ago, governments could control what their populations read and watched or listened to on the radio, but not anymore.
By Eddie Cross
Feb. 28, 2023
Understanding the collapse of Zim
The national infrastructure, built up over 100 years back was ageing and not getting the attention it needed.
By Eddie Cross
Mar. 10, 2023
The gold story
I have no real gripe with the content except that it underestimated the size of the problem.
By Eddie Cross
Mar. 31, 2023
Africa needs magic formula that works
The point he was making is that there is a whole lot more to building a better and more equal society than simply giving people the right to vote.
By Eddie Cross
Apr. 6, 2023
Africa’s prosperity lies in ownership
The suburb became a hive of activity as people repaired their homes, painted walls and put in additions and improvements.
By Eddie Cross
Apr. 18, 2023
Family crisis in the West
It’s more than a contract, it’s a binding lifelong covenant. It is in every way the foundation of a stable and progressive society.
By Eddie Cross
May. 2, 2023
Cowboy country
The Zulu kingdoms and their impact on the smaller tribal groups in southern Africa.
By Eddie Cross
May. 13, 2023
Can Afrikaners save South Africa?
The disparity in living standards between the haves and have-nots is shocking, despite the social grant system.
By Eddie Cross
May. 24, 2023
Why the financial chaos?
He separated real US dollars from the fictitious dollars and called the latter “Real Time Gross Settlement dollars” or RTGS dollars.
By Eddie Cross
Jun. 16, 2023
Are we making progress?
Poor economic policies and ruthless political activities led to dismal economic performance.
By Eddie Cross
Jun. 28, 2023
The informal sector in Africa
I secured an agent in that country and despatched our first consignment. It did not move and I decided to visit that country to see for myself what was happening.
By Eddie Cross
Jul. 14, 2023
Zim slowly getting back to its feet at 43
After 70 years of peaceful co-existence since 1896 the first black person was shot dead in a riot
By Eddie Cross
Sep. 5, 2023
Zimdollar future hangs in the balance
At independence, this country had the strongest currency in the region.
By Eddie Cross
Sep. 12, 2023
The continued chaos in Zim’s money markets
In all I think we have had 10 versions of a domestic currency since Independence.
By Eddie Cross
Oct. 8, 2023
The presidential title deed programme
I saw this once in India where an agency I was associated with bought land and allocated 50 square metres of land to each family and a US$500 loan.
By Eddie Cross
Oct. 31, 2023
Another crisis year for Zim
Winter water is being used to try and get something out of planted crops
By Eddie Cross
Mar. 8, 2024
Why monetary policy is important
It takes away our control of monetary policy and seriously undermines our central bank financially.
By Eddie Cross
May. 13, 2024
Back in the soup
I was a Member of Parliament for the MDC and sat on the front benches opposite Hon Patrick Chinamasa, the then Finance minister
By Eddie Cross
Oct. 1, 2024
The growing global water crisis
Its wastewater simply flows into rivers that drain a way to the Zambezi in the north.
By Eddie Cross
Oct. 28, 2024

US$2,2 million payout to Chinese firm raises stink
Local News
By Tinashe Kairiza and Julia Ndlela
Mar. 7, 2025
Foreign companies swoop on Zim for mergers
Local News
By Mthandazo Nyoni and Freeman Makopa
Mar. 7, 2025
Inside abandoned mega acquisitions...regulator explains tough stance on CBZ, ZB, FMHL deals
Local News
Mar. 7, 2025