Grace Chirenje
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Interactive feedback : In pursuit of a non-binary narrative
I realised how polarised Zimbabwe can be, especially when it comes to partisan politics.
By Grace Chirenje
Sep. 2, 2022
Women making a great difference
It is such a fulfilling, shared and collective growth curve
By Grace Chirenje
Sep. 16, 2022
Thank you Mai Sorobhi!
The husband stared at these women and commented on their bodies. He would comment on their gait, legs, dressing, mere presence — she was not happy with his behaviour.
By Grace Chirenje
Sep. 23, 2022
Interactive feedback: Trip to Zvishavane an eye opener
There is so much to learn from there that I am sure would inspire a whole nation to advance economically.
By Grace Chirenje
Sep. 30, 2022
Healing our own form of bronchitis
Our behaviours are a scream for help and yet no one seems to hear or notice us.
By Grace Chirenje
Oct. 7, 2022
My condolences for your loss, fellow mother
My daughter’s school has been organising a school trip, combined for Grades 6 and 7 and I have been at the heart of it. It has taken us about six months to get ourselves organised.
By Grace Chirenje
Oct. 21, 2022
Interactive Feedback: Gratitude lessons from the Indian Ocean
The fusion of the tall standing palm trees, the children running around, the magnificent swimming pools and the greenery, it was beyond words.
By Grace Chirenje
Nov. 4, 2022
Interactive feedback: Overcoming like Tonny and I
Noone is coming to save us as Zimbabweans, whatever it is that you are facing, you somewhat have the solution to make things flow.
By Grace Chirenje
Nov. 11, 2022
Russo-Ukraine war versus women, cooking oil
As I struggled to come to terms with the demise of my sister’s purchasing power.
By Grace Chirenje
Nov. 25, 2022
Silence in the face of injustice is complicity
I LOVE me a good pork grill and I have discovered a butchery at Specimen in Glen Norah that sells the most delicious pork chops that bring a certain level of glory.
By Grace Chirenje
Dec. 2, 2022
Call to love: We can only learn to love by loving
We seem to focus on our own needs and forget that we do not live on an island as human beings. We do have other humans co-existing with us in this country.
By Grace Chirenje and The Standard
Dec. 9, 2022
Reflecting on the 16-365 days of activism against GBV
For 2022, the theme for the 16 Days of activism against gender based violence is “UNiTE! activism to end violence against women and girls”.
By Grace Chirenje
Dec. 16, 2022
Making life count: Live, laugh and love louder!
I WAS born on December 15 1982 at about 6AM, I am told. So it was my 40th birthday last week on Wednesday.
By Grace Chirenje
Dec. 23, 2022
There is more to life than just spirituality
Once upon a time I had a friend who was very focused
By Grace Chirenje
Jan. 20, 2023
Mai Denzel: What’s good for the goose is good for the gander
The result was some very public narrative about her love life including some leaked nude pictures that she had shared in the comfort of her intimate relationship.
By Grace Chirenje
Jan. 27, 2023
Exploring our grey
I remember when my mother told me about her narrow escape to Harare from our rural home in Chihota during the liberation war era
By Grace Chirenje
Feb. 3, 2023
Lifezone: Substance abuse and ‘you’ as the solution
During the conversations, everything seems to flow until my loved ones hit the next trigger and fall into the same vicious circle of substance abuse.
By Grace Chirenje
Feb. 10, 2023
Rethinking mining
Zimbabwe was a constant example throughout the Alternative Mining Indaba with its lithium narrative being at the centre of the conversations.
By Grace Chirenje
Feb. 17, 2023
Let’s raise awareness about cybercrimes
During the national world engineering awareness day, we are calling on Zimbabweans and other nationals who have been affected by cybercrime and scams to narrate their experiences.
By Grace Chirenje
Feb. 24, 2023
Of Shadaya, Rihanna: Rethinking manhood
I half-heartedly laughed it off and continued enjoying my much-needed public holiday.
By Grace Chirenje
Feb. 24, 2023
Choosing to reframe our thinking
Which I have tried to but to no avail.Never mind, the fact that we all know the “truth” of what is happening and who is causing the conflict.
By Grace Chirenje
Mar. 3, 2023
The way we chose to use our power
The deal went down, with a lot of teething issues, back and forth; which I absolutely did not like but eventually we signed affidavits and I assumed we had concluded the sale.
By Grace Chirenje
Mar. 10, 2023
Rethinking our thinking, collectively
Having said that, we appreciate the war of liberation; the gallant sons and daughters of the soil’s Lila was not in vain and we are very much grateful for their sacrifice, always and forever!
By Grace Chirenje
Mar. 17, 2023
Forgiveness makes the world a better place
Oh my, the level of betrayal and near madness one could easily experience because of this. I mean I have heard people get murdered for these kind of things.
By Grace Chirenje
Mar. 24, 2023
Our voice, our power!
This system has stood the test of time and often abuses anyone that is not aligned to what it deems “acceptable”.
By Grace Chirenje
Mar. 31, 2023
Before you go, build a legacy
As we stood there by the grave side, watching what was happening, the men slowly covering the grave with soil, it just got me thinking about life.
By Grace Chirenje
Apr. 6, 2023
The Shift: Women’s political participation: The case of Linda Masarira
While the country has yet to see a female president, there have been several women who have run for the office, and many more who are actively involved in politics at all levels.
By Grace Chirenje
Jun. 20, 2023
Inclusion of women with disabilities in policy making in Zimbabwe
Women with disabilities in Zimbabwe face significant challenges when it comes to accessing education, healthcare, employment, and social inclusion.
By Grace Chirenje
Jun. 22, 2023
Unveiling lessons from the Ocean
The ocean's resilience, the power of AI The ocean, with its vastness and ever-changing nature, teaches us the essence of resilience.
By Grace Chirenje
Apr. 12, 2024
Rethinking work for black, African women
The toxicity that permeates workplaces has become an insurmountable burden, a weight that threatens to suffocate my ever-vibrant and passionate spirit.
By Grace Chirenje
Apr. 19, 2024

US$2,2 million payout to Chinese firm raises stink
Local News
By Tinashe Kairiza and Julia Ndlela
Mar. 7, 2025
Foreign companies swoop on Zim for mergers
Local News
By Mthandazo Nyoni and Freeman Makopa
Mar. 7, 2025
Inside abandoned mega acquisitions...regulator explains tough stance on CBZ, ZB, FMHL deals
Local News
Mar. 7, 2025