Nyamukondiwa captures Zim Amateur ladies title

US-based golfer Margret Nyamukondiwa

US-based golfer Margret Nyamukondiwa won the Zimbabwe Amateur Championship ladies title after beating longtime rival and friend Danielle Bekker by three shots at Chapman Golf Club last weekend.

Nyamukondiwa shot rounds of 82, 77, 76 and 70 for a winning 305 gross total thanks to a brilliant final round where she managed 2 under par.

It was the second tournament win for the Western Texas College sophomore who won the Manicaland Amateur Championship at Hillside Golf Club in Mutare back in June.

Just like at the Manicaland competition, Nyamukondiwas had to be at her best to beat Bekker in the Zimbabwe Amateur after the two talented golfers went into the final day tied after the first three rounds. Bekker shot 80, 75, 80 and 73 to finish on a 308 gross total.

“I am excited to win because last year it didn’t go as planned. I actually missed my target this time because I wanted to be 10 — over or less for the whole four rounds but then I struggled a bit on my first round and second round,” she said.

“But today I feel like everything was just working, everything was just flawless. I enjoyed myself and I didn’t put too much pressure on myself. We have good competition, me and Danielle and we help each other grow so it improves our game. It’s an honour when you play at a tournament and win,” she said.

Bekker, who has just completed her first year at Lindsey Wilson College in Columbia, Kentucky, managed to beat Nyamukondiwa in the Manicaland Ladies Strokeplay in June as well.

After taking a two-stroke lead on the first day, Bekker struggled in the second and third rounds which allowed Nyamukondiwa to level the points on the leaderboard.

A near-flawless final round by Nyamukondiwa at her home course saw her win the tournament.

“I didn’t play consistent golf like I really wanted but there were some good shots in there like today, (Sunday) it was my best score and I was really happy with how I hit the ball. Unfortunately, it was a bit too late. I should have done that on the first day but I learn from it, see the mistakes and hopefully not make them again

“The target was to shoot reasonable numbers in the low 70s which was not hard like I showed today. It has been nice being back and to play a few tournaments before I go back, not the results I have been wanting to see of course but I am excited to go back.

“Today we both played very well, she (Margret) played very well. She holed a lot of putts today. She shot 2 – under and I shot one over. We both pushed ourselves to be better today,” Bekker said.

Only four lady golfers participated in the Zimbabwe Amateur Championship with Primross Chikwaya, also based in the US, and Listia Bangura completing the list.

Chikwaya grossed 327 in four rounds while Bangura managed 370.

Defending champion Kudzai Mandava who has been dominating the ladies competition on the local scene this year did not take part in the event.

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