CCC names shadow Cabinet

CCC chief administrator and party leader Jameson Timba yesterday said the selection process of a shadow Cabinet to checkmate President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration was based on merit.

A FACTION linked to former Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa yesterday announced a 16-member shadow Cabinet in a move that puts the party’s protests over the 2023 election results to rest.

The CCC had refused to accept the 2023 election results saying they were rigged.

CCC chief administrator and party leader Jameson Timba yesterday said the selection process of a shadow Cabinet to checkmate President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration was based on merit.

Timba assumed the leadership role of the CCC after Chamisa had dumped the opposition party in January this year citing infiltration by  the ruling Zanu PF party.

Following Chamisa’s exit, the CCC split into two camps, one aligned to him and the other to the self-imposed interim secretary general Sengezo Tshabangu, who had recalled scores of party legislators and councilors. Some of the lawmakers appointed to the shadow Cabinet are Corban Madzivanyika as the finance minister,  Gladys Hlatwayo (international relations), Agency Gumbo (justice) Daniel Molokele (health) and Zivai Mhetu (transport) and Ellen Shiriyedenga (women’s affairs), among others.

Joanah Mamombe, who has recently been vocal in Parliament on issues of climate change, was appointed to head the environment portfolio.

“The Citizens National Assembly  saw it wise that the key pillars and the agendas of our voices in Parliament is to push for electoral and political reforms in the country so that once we address the fundamental problem that this country is facing, the symptomatic social and economic problems to be attended to,” Timba told journalists during a Press briefing.

“The country is facing a crisis of governance borne out of a cycle of disputed elections. This has led to the crisis of confidence where the people of Zimbabwe do not trust those who have put themselves on the seat of governance.”

He said the party had opted for a leaner “Cabinet” of 16 ministries compared to ruling Zanu PF’s 25–members to “save resources”.

“The core belief of the CCC is that we must have a small government so that resources are channelled where they are required as you are aware the current Zanu PF is made up for 25 ministries and we believe that government is too big. Our alternative government is a reflection of our positions vis a vis the current  government's.”

Timba said the party still had close relations with Chamisa.

“Everyone who speaks about the change agenda and fights to transform the livelihoods of the people is one of us,” he said.

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